Meet the team!

Meet the team!

Our team is led by Mike and Stephanie Beaulieu.

Our team is led by Mike and Stephanie Beaulieu.

We have no full-time staff. All our leaders have a day job and a call from God. We live on mission in our workplaces and everyday spaces. We use our various spiritual gifts to equip the body of Christ for ministry, much like coaches.
Restore Church is made up of participants -- not professionals, benchwarmers or spectators. We are contributors, not consumers. Everyone is encouraged to engage their personal part of the mission to partner with God to bring restoration through Jesus Christ. Restore Church is affiliated with the SEND Network.

Join the Restore Serve Team

Tell us about yourself

Those who serve at Restore display the following qualities:

  • They are sincere, worthy of respect, and strive to maintain a good reputation.
  • They attend and contribute their time, talent, and treasures at Restore.
  • They have a genuine desire to serve and minister to other people.
  • They are able to (or willing to learn how to) lead, motivate, and teach others.
  • They create positive group dynamics and will deal with conflict in healthy ways.
Please keep these expectations in mind as you consider which teams you would like to serve on.

How do you want to serve?

Select the teams you are interested in. (You will always have an option of which dates and which teams you're on each week!)

Hospitality Team

Production Team

Culture Team

Portability Team

Worship Team

Restore Kids

Prayer Team

How often are you able to serve? (This just gives us an idea, it's not a commitment!)